Soft Tissue Fillers (Juvederm & Skinvive)

As we age, we lose bone density, fat, elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural component in our skin, and absorbs x1000 its weight in water, adding to the elasticity and volume of our skin. We lose 1% of our natural skin HA per year from the age of 20.

We can remodel our skin texture by stimulating deeper collagen regeneration (consider Forma, Morpheus8, skin care products), and we can also soften and smooth the skin by filling in fine lines with the use of HA fillers and PRF.

Further remodeling of our deeper tissue layers can be achieved by using the molding capacity of these soft tissue fillers. Fillers restore volume and fade wrinkles, and are designed to be resilient to movement and stretch within the face. 

Newer formulas are also very site-specific for different areas of the face, and allow for a very natural youthful look, restoring the volume and fullness we lose with aging. 

Soft tissue fillers add volume, shape, definition, and softness to different areas of the face, including the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, chin, tear-trough, jowls, jawline, lips, and hands.

Results are seen immediately and can still settle within 2 weeks. Some pain with the injection may be experienced but most fillers are formulated with lidocaine to reduce this. Mild bruising and redness are the most common side effect, and there is no downtime after the injection of fillers. Filler effects differ and vary per product, and most last between 12 and 24 months. 

The molding of the face with soft tissue HA fillers should be done in a stepwise fashion, and we can discuss the options and customization of the process together. To plan a path towards results that suit you best, book a consultation!  

SkinVive is a hyaluronic acid gel that is injected subermally around the mouth, cheeks and neck areas to add definition and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles! SkinVive increases hydration and gives the skin an overall glow, and can also improve acne scars. Results typically last anywhere from 6-9 months.

For more information visit

We offer a variety of Juvederm fillers at $650 per syringe.

An example of Hyaluronic Acid fillers in the nasolabial folds and cheek areas.

Our other services

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