
Reduces fat and tightens skin with amazing results

BodyFX uses radiofrequency technology for long-lasting results. It is the only non-invasive body contouring device proven to both permanently kill adipose tissue and tighten the overlying skin. Radiofrequency heat, suction coupled vacuum, and vibrating electrical pulses induce these impressive results.

Our clients can expect a reduction in the appearance of cellulite, leaving the skin feeling soft, smooth, and tightened.

Consider this non-invasive tissue remodeling treatment to reduce a little extra fat from stubborn areas around your abdomen, thighs, arms, hips, or buttocks. Treatments take place weekly for 6-8 weeks, and best results are seen by 3 months post-treatment.

Below are some before & after treatment photos (cropped for confidentiality, with consent).

Our other services

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Morpheus8 V heated RF micro-needling for vaginal atrophy & urinary incontinence

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VTone pelvic floor electrical muscle stimulation

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Morpheus8 Body heated RF micro-needling that stimulates collagen production, tightens skin, & contours deep tissue

BodyFx heated RF technology for long-lasting improvements in skin elasticity

Tone induces muscle contractions targeting specific muscle groups with EMS pulses

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