Aviva & ACcutite

Revolutionary Radio-frequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL)

The smallest, minimally invasive radio-frequency contraction device to address delicate areas of the face and body, without large surgical scars. AccuTite was designed specifically to reduce fat and contract skin in small areas and hard to reach facial areas. Think of a small wand being inserted under the skin to melt fat inside, while a heat panel is tightening skin on the top. This procedure is done using local anesthetic.

RFAL focuses on small delicate areas of the face, neck, body and genitalia, with excess fatty tissue and loose skin. It causes gentle coagulation of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, and tightening of fibro-septal network strands to support the skin. Local collagen is stimulated and skin contraction is achieved. Patients are given local anesthetic in-office, and do not need general anesthesia. Through a needle-sized entry point, the energy is safely delivered into the sub-dermal space. Results are very effective and patients typically only require one treatment session.

Tissue changes are progressively seen over a 3-6 week period post-treatment, and seen even up to 3 months after the treatment. Long term results have been documented to last as long as 6 years post treatment without change. Great benefits of this treatment are the elimination of incisions, stitches, scarring, and lengthy downtimes. Risks associated with traditional surgeries can now be avoided! Minimal downtime is required post-procedure and there is a quick return to normal activity.

AccuTite is for facial or small body areas treated for excess fatty tissue and loose skin. Ideal facial candidates have mild to moderate skin laxity with mild submental or cheek adiposity, or early jowl formation. Under-eye fat pads and naso-labial folds can also be treated. Without surgical scars, downtime is minimal. Other benefits include lower cost, and decreased risk of complications associated with more traditional invasive techniques, such as face or neck lifts, or liposuction. Complications are minimal and could include swelling, bruising, blisters, tingling, transient neuropraxia or numbness, and skin irregularities or fibroses that can be managed with massage.

Aviva treats the exterior tissues of the female genital area, including the mons pubis, labia majora, and labia minora, and is life changing for women who are self-conscious or unhappy with their genital appearance. Aviva is also considered if women experience pain during intercourse due to excess skin or laxity. Others may feel discomfort or irritation when wearing tight clothing, playing sports, or exercising. Women may be born with large or irregular labia, or develop this after childbirth, or with aging.

Aviva is performed through a needle sized entry point, achieves constriction and tightening of the skin and reduces unwanted bulky tissue, resulting in a more youthful and tighter appearance. Improved clitoral stimulation can also be achieved and tightening of the vaginal opening can also help with enhanced sensation with intercourse. With Aviva, downtime is dramatically reduced, no surgical incisions or stitches are needed, and patients can return to normal activities very quickly. Aviva is offered in-office, under local anesthetic, and results in immediate tissue reduction, and permanent results. Typically only one treatment is required. Traditional labiaplasty, performed under general anesthesia, resulted in prolonged downtimes, incisions, risk of post-procedure complications such as infection, scarring, long term pain, and the risk of excess tissue reduction.

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